교육원 강좌
Korean Class at KEC
한국어 강좌 신청서
2025 Semester 1 Korean Language Course Application Form
1. Choose and Check your course(You are eligible to apply for a particular class only once. Please ensure that you do not submit applications for multiple classes.)
For Semester 1
Would you like to buy your textbook?
(Please check the link below No.5 before you tick!)
Other Class    
2. Personal Information * (Note : please fill in all required fields marked with “*”.)
Official Full Name Official Full Name *
Photo (Optional)
※ JPG, JPEG Only
Preferred name (in class)
Gender *
Nationality (at the moment) * Date of Birth
Contact * Email *
Contact No (Mobile) *
Postal Address *
Region of residence *                        
Emergency Contact * NAME *
Contact Number (Mobile) *
Relationship to you *
Occupation * Major Area of Study *
TOPIK Grade *
(Test of Proficiency in Korean)
Official Full name Official full Name *
Preferred name (in class)
Gender *        
Nationality (at the moment) *
Date of Birth
Contact * Email *
Contact No (Mobile) *
Postal Address *
Region of residence *        
Emergency Contact * NAME *
Contact Number (Mobile) *
Relationship to you *
Occupation *
Major Area of Study *
TOPIK Grade *
(Test of Proficiency in Korean)
3. Period of study and Current Level
Q. How long have you studied Korean?
Q. Which course have you taken at the KEC in the last term?
Q. How did you get to know about the Korean Language class at KEC?
Q. How long have you studied Korean?
Q. Which Course have you taken at the KEC in the last term?
Q. How did you get to know about the Korean Language class at KEC?
4. Please briefly describe your motivation for taking the Korean class and the goal that you want to reach while you are studying Korean.
  • 자동등록방지
  • Enter the numbers you see in order.(6-digit)