Term 3 Movie Night - Attorney
2016.10.12 13:35
When: Thursday, 22 September, 2016
Time: 6:00pm~
Where: Korean Education Centre(L7, 63 Albert St, Auckland CBD
What: 변호인 (The Attorney/2013) 127mins
Who: Students at KEC
Admission: Free
-Light snacks and drinks will be provided from the KEC-
Attorney trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-mzUKeuJls
Time: 6:00pm~
Where: Korean Education Centre(L7, 63 Albert St, Auckland CBD
What: 변호인 (The Attorney/2013) 127mins
Who: Students at KEC
Admission: Free
-Light snacks and drinks will be provided from the KEC-
Attorney trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-mzUKeuJls