[Hansei University] 2015 Spring International Students Admission Notic…
2014.11.25 07:29
한세대학교는 1953년에 개교한 4년대 종합대학으로 경기도 군포시에 위치하고 있으며, 글로벌 시대를 맞아 국제화 역량을 제고하고 교육경쟁력을 확보하기 위한 노력을 아끼지 않고 있습니다.
본교에서는 교육부의 STUDYKOREA2020정책에 부응하여 우리나라에서 수학하고자 하는 우수한 외국인 유학생을 유치 및 지원하고자 하며, 또한 전공교육과 더불어 한국어 및 문화를 전수하는 등 지한파 양성에도 적극 동참하고자 합니다.
이에 붙임과 같이 본교 홍보자료 및 입학요강을 송부하오니 참조하시어 외국인 예비 유학생들이 본 정보를 활용할 수 있도록 배려하여 주시기를 부탁 드립니다.
붙 임 : 1. 한세대학교 한국어문화교육원 홍보자료 1부
2. 입학지원서 양식 1부
모집기간 : 12월 5일까지 (해외체류자), 1월5일 (국내체류자)
문의가 있으시면, 홈페이지(www.hsiec.com) QnA게시판 혹은 메일로 주시면 답변드리겠습니다.
Hansei University (www.hansei.ac.kr)
Hansei was founded in 1953 for a well-rounded education based on Christian spirit and academic achievement. Hansei is a four-year-course university, near the capital, Seoul, and located in a major industry and distribution area.
Hansei has investing for students to acquire both academic theories and practical performance abilities. In particular, the foreign faculty rate which contributes to developing global leaders is number one in Korea (2013). Hansei has over 70 sisterhood universities and 300 hundreds of international students have studied at Hansei.
Hansei Korean Language Institute (www.hskli.com)
Hansei Korean Language Institute was established for foreigners who want to study Korean and live in Korea. To meet Korean education needs, Hansei Korean Language Institute has provided specialized Korean language course.
Hansei Korean Language Institute has expert instructors who have taught Korean for many years and excellent language programs and provided field trips for Korean culture experience and special service for students. Hansei Korean Language Institute also has curriculums which offer club activities and classes for hobby.
For more information, please download the attached brochure (KOREAN/CHINESE/ENGLISH)
Thank you.
본교에서는 교육부의 STUDYKOREA2020정책에 부응하여 우리나라에서 수학하고자 하는 우수한 외국인 유학생을 유치 및 지원하고자 하며, 또한 전공교육과 더불어 한국어 및 문화를 전수하는 등 지한파 양성에도 적극 동참하고자 합니다.
이에 붙임과 같이 본교 홍보자료 및 입학요강을 송부하오니 참조하시어 외국인 예비 유학생들이 본 정보를 활용할 수 있도록 배려하여 주시기를 부탁 드립니다.
붙 임 : 1. 한세대학교 한국어문화교육원 홍보자료 1부
2. 입학지원서 양식 1부
모집기간 : 12월 5일까지 (해외체류자), 1월5일 (국내체류자)
문의가 있으시면, 홈페이지(www.hsiec.com) QnA게시판 혹은 메일로 주시면 답변드리겠습니다.
Hansei University (www.hansei.ac.kr)
Hansei was founded in 1953 for a well-rounded education based on Christian spirit and academic achievement. Hansei is a four-year-course university, near the capital, Seoul, and located in a major industry and distribution area.
Hansei has investing for students to acquire both academic theories and practical performance abilities. In particular, the foreign faculty rate which contributes to developing global leaders is number one in Korea (2013). Hansei has over 70 sisterhood universities and 300 hundreds of international students have studied at Hansei.
Hansei Korean Language Institute (www.hskli.com)
Hansei Korean Language Institute was established for foreigners who want to study Korean and live in Korea. To meet Korean education needs, Hansei Korean Language Institute has provided specialized Korean language course.
Hansei Korean Language Institute has expert instructors who have taught Korean for many years and excellent language programs and provided field trips for Korean culture experience and special service for students. Hansei Korean Language Institute also has curriculums which offer club activities and classes for hobby.
For more information, please download the attached brochure (KOREAN/CHINESE/ENGLISH)
Thank you.