교육원 및 학교 소식 21 페이지 > 뉴질랜드 한국교육원

교육원 및 학교 소식
총 505건 / 21 페이지
Donating Korean books to Mangere Central School
The Korean Education Centre donated Korean books (worth NZ$1,000) to Mangere Central School on Frida…
No. 205교육원관리자2017.05.23
NZ Education workshop
On 18 May, April, educational officers and the future principals from Korea visited the KEC as part …
No. 204교육원관리자2017.05.23
성베드로 특수학교 신임 BOT 의장 취임
5.19(금) 성베드로 특수학교 차혜옥 신임 BOT 의장은 교육원에 방문하여 협의회를 가지었다. 원유미 교육원장은 지난 7여년 동안 성베드로 특수학교에서 수고하신 우영무 전임 BO…
No. 203교육원관리자2017.05.23
NZKLTA Workshop
On 15 May, NZKLTA (New Zealand Korean Language teachers Association) teachers gathered at the Korean…
No. 202교육원관리자2017.05.23
Korean Classes for Teachers
In collaboration with the Korean Education Centre (KEC), ILEP has started to offer a free Korean lan…
No. 201교육원관리자2017.05.16
한국교원대 협의회
On Thursday, 20 April, the pre-visiting team from the Korea National University of Education visited…
No. 200교육원관리자2017.05.16
텀2 교육원 교사회의
On Tuesday18 April, the Korean language teachers at the KEC shared their teaching ideas and resource…
No. 199교육원관리자2017.05.16
제52회 TOPIK
The 52nd TOPIK (Test of Proficiency in Korean) was held on Saturday, 15 April 2017 at the Cornell In…
No. 198교육원관리자2017.05.16
2017 교장자격 해외교육 체험 연수단 방문단 환영의 밤
The Korean Society of Auckland organized a welcoming night for the Korean educational officers/princ…
No. 197교육원관리자2017.05.15
2017 교장자격 해외교육 체험 연수단 교육원 방문
During 11~12 May, over 60 educational officers and the future principals visited the KEC as part of …
No. 196교육원관리자2017.05.15
TPLT 협의회
TPLT(Transforming Practice in Language Teaching) includes Korean language study part of their progra…
No. 195교육원관리자2017.05.15
텀2 한국어 강좌 개강
The Korean Language class (term 2) has started! About 120 students are learning each term for free. …
No. 194교육원관리자2017.05.15
KOTRA 동남아대양주 지역본부 실무자 회의
4월 21일 동남앋양주 김기준 지역본부장님 이하 19명이 뉴질랜드 한국교육원에서 회의를 가졌다.
No. 193교육원관리자2017.05.15
NZ Korean Study Tour 2017
12 NZ school principals/deputy principals/Senior management travelled around Korea, visiting Korean …
No. 192교육원관리자2017.05.15
The Visit from ILEP
On Friday, 7 April, the Korean Language Mentor Hyun-Joo Kim and the Community Engagement Coordinator…
No. 191교육원관리자2017.04.17