40th TOPIK Guide 2015 & Seminar

한국어 교육 지원
Korean Programme in NZ School
뉴질랜드 한국어 능력시험(TOPIK)은 매년 상/하반기 2회 실시하고 있으며, 상반기는 4월 중 오클랜드에서, 하반기는 10월 중 크라이스트처치에서 실시하고 있습니다. (다만, 각 레벨별 응시인원이 10명 미만인 경우, 해당 레벨의 시험은 취소될 수 있음) 

한국어 능력시험은 낮은 등급 순으로 1~6급으로 구분하며, 1~2급은 TOPIKⅠ, 3~6급은 TOPIKⅡ 시험에 각각 응시하여 획득한 점수에 따라 등급을 부여받습니다.  시험성적의 유효기간은 성적발표일로부터 2년간 입니다. 
TOPIK is conducted two times every year in New Zealand: The first test takes place in Auckland in April, and the second one in Christchurch in October. (The test can be cancelled in case of fewer than ten applicants apply).
TOPIK is divided into two levels, TOPIK Ⅰ is for applicants who need grades 1-2, and TOPIK Ⅱ is for those who need grades 3-6. The attained test score will determine the grade range. The valid period of the certification is two years since the test result was officially announced.


(Test Level)

TOPIKⅠ(Beginner)         TOPIK Ⅱ (Intermediate. Advanced)
듣기/Listening(100), 읽기/Reading(100)듣기/Listening(100), 쓰기/Writing(100), 읽기/Reading(100)
시험 등급(Grade)1급 (Grade 1)2급 (Grade 2)3급 (Grade 3)4급 (Grade 4)5급 (Grade 5)6급 (Grade 6)
등급 결정(Score Range)

80점 이상

(score 80 or higher) 

140점 이상

(score 140 or higher) 

120점 이상

(score 120 or higher) 

150점 이상 

(score 150 or higher) 

190점 이상 

(score 190 or higher) 

230점 이상 

(score 230 or higher) 


40th TOPIK Guide 2015 & Seminar

교육원관리자 0 3130
40th TOPIK Guide 2015 & Seminar Information

■ Testing date and time
◦ Saturday, 25th April, 2015 / 9:30~16:00
- TOPIK I (Beginner): Period 1 (Listening/Reading, 09:30~11:10) Total 100 mins
- TOPIK II (Intermediate, Advance): Period 1 (Listening/Writing, 12:30~14:20) Total 110 mins Period 2 (Reading, 14:50~16:00) Total 70 mins
※ Please arrive at the testing venue at least 20 minutes prior to the test starting time in order to confirm your testing room number and the examinee number.
◦ Testing venue: EDENZ Colleges - 85 Airedale Street, Auckland CBD, Auckland

■ Announcement of the test result
◦ Date: After 16th June, 2015
- KEC will receive all the result and will send out to the individual examinees.
◦ Important Notice
- Examinees must bring their Identification slip AND ID (ID must be either passport or driver's license) on the day of the test
- Multiple-choice questions must be filled with the double sided pen which will be provided from the test venue
- Short-answer questions or essays need to be written with the finer side of the
double sided pen
- All cell-phones must be switched off and handed in to the instructors
※ For any other inquiries, please contact KEC. (09-303-2625 / nzkoreanedu@gmail.com)
Date and time: Saturday, 7th March, 2015 / 13:00~15:00
Venue: Korean Education Centre (Level 7, 63 Albert St, Auckland CBD)
Come for TOPIK Seminar 2015! An experienced teacher will cover following aspects of TOPIK
- Introduction of TOPIK
- Analysis & explanation of recent TOPIK questions
- The differences from the past test format
- Use of Won Go Ji (원고지/Squared Manuscript paper)
- Tips for writing
- And more useful strategies for TOPIK

Please send an email to nzkoreanedu@gmail.com by 27th February if you would like to attend TOPIK SEMINAR 2015

Thank you.